Geek therapy in WA, OR, and ID

Image of a person LARPing in soldier garb with a sword and shield.

Like being in a group of gamers, ready to break down the door and slay the BBEG? Can you easily explain the layout of a dungeon in intense detail to a rapt audience but then freeze when you’re at your office’s holiday party—or worse, a social event where you don’t know anyone? Have you ever wanted to join a group or go to a convention, but you know you’d be too overwhelmed by the crowds, lights, and noises? Ever really wanted to invite yourself to a game session, but you’ve always been told that doing so is rude?

Geek therapy uses examples from media such as comics, movies, anime, tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs), and video games (to name a few) to help you feel better. In the process, you’ll discover character identification techniques and learn about internal motivation. We can also use characters from these materials to demonstrate pros and cons of the character’s behavior and then apply that information to your own life. We use scenarios from TTRPGs so that you can try out different ways of being, while you’re in a safe environment and have the freedom to improvise, in order to develop certain communication skills.